Art Pyschotherapy Sessions

At Art Fully Living, I am an experienced art therapist who is not only versed in the creative world of art therapy but also in the realm of psychotherapy. My clients first session is dedicated to understanding your unique journey and reasons for seeking therapy. Together with art therapy techniques, we can identify your goals and devise a bespoke plan to navigate your current challenges.

Creative Art Therapy

Art Fully Living therapy sessions are a blend of various creative avenues, including drawing, painting, collage, and journaling. The art therapy process is tailored to fit your therapeutic goals and can be directive or non-directive, depending on your comfort level.

Upon completion of the art activity, we delve into a constructive conversation to explore your feelings. At Art Fully Living, your comfort is paramount. Art therapy provides the flexibility to choose between verbal and non-verbal therapy, depending on what resonates most with you. My art therapy sessions are a vehicle for self-discovery and an outlet for expressing emotions in a safe, nurturing environment.

A close up of some paint brushes with different colors